Speech Therapy

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speech ther·a·py (ST)

Helps people improve communication, verbal and/or non-verbal, so that they may express themselves and their needs to the best of their ability. 

Speech-Language Pathologists go beyond the spoken word to help kiddos achieve communication milestones. By incorporating sign language, using communication devices, recognizing and encouraging non-verbal cues, and more, our speech therapists help kiddos express themselves. 

How can high-quality speech therapy help children with disabilities? 

By working one-on-one with kiddos, both on horseback and in our child-focused clinic, Children’s TherAplay speech therapists help kiddos develop the skills, such as those listed below, for independence and quality of life.

  • Language: understanding and expressing oneself 
  • Social Skills/Pragmatics: implementing strategies for emotional control and expression, self advocacy skills for interacting with peers and adults, and learning coping strategies for maladaptive behaviors
  • Fluency/Stuttering: identifying and implementing strategies to effectively communicate while targeting the underlying emotions associated with stuttering
  • Voice: exercises to improve vocal quality, respiration, phonation, and volume
  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication: trials and implementation of devices that can assist children in communicating through switches, visuals, computers, and eye gaze
  • Hearing: using strategies that can improve language and articulation for children with hearing impairments
  • Feeding/Swallowing: using strategies for an effective and safe swallow, use of desensitization techniques to increase food repertoire for nutrition and hydration, weaning off supplemental feeds, and exercises to improve oral and pharyngeal musculature


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