Meet the Hooves Behind the Hippotherapy: Our Trusty Therapy Horses!
Beau is generously funded by Indiana Thermal Solutions
Beau's stall is generously funded by Tom & Debbie Shine and Mark & Janet Nelson
17-year-old large pony
Joined Children's TherAplay: Novemeber 2022
Beau is social, sweet, and cuddly. He has an athletic build that is the perfect size for kiddos ready to move up from our smallest ponies and transition to using the mounting block for a more independent mount.
Ella and her stall are both generously funded by Leslie Ackerman.
14-year-old Welsh Pony
Joined Children’s TherAplay: March 2022
Get to know Ella: Along with being a therapy horse here, Ella is also currently a lesson horse at Lucky Farms next door. She is best friends with Queenie and they loved to cause trouble together.
Ella's Impact: Ella is currently going through training in our program, but we hope to see her out in the arena with our kiddos soon!
Giuseppe and his stall are generously funded by Corbin Capital Partners
21-year-old Paint Horse, Thoroughbred, and Mustang Horse
Joined Children’s TherAplay: August 2021
Get to know Giuseppe: Giuseppe is a former eventer and hunter/jumper. He is an absolute sweetheart and loves working with our sweet kiddos!
Giuseppe's Impact: Giuseppe is a great horse for our bigger kids who need higher movement within their sessions. He is a gentle giant and has an extremely easygoing temperament.
Janey Ray
Janey Ray and her stall are both generously funded by The SOL Foundation
15-year-old Quarter and Arabian mix
Joined Children's TherAplay: May 2024
Get to know Janey Ray: Janey was a trail horse before coming to Children's TherAplay.
Janey's Impact: She is a mid back with a consistent, slow and swaying pace. She is a reliable and relaxing ride for our kiddos!
Kipper is generously funded by Mike and Lindsay Martin, in honor of Larry, Marsha, Kathy Martin and Robert Simcoe.
Kipper's stall is generously funded by Mary Kennedy
19-year-old Welsh Pony
Joined Children’s TherAplay: December 2019
Get to know Kipper: Kipper was well-loved by his owner and her grandchildren before becoming a part of the TherAplay family.
Kipper's Impact: Kipper is appreciated for his forward, high moving gait. He is perfect for kiddos who need a small pony with lots of input.
Luna is generously funded by Copper Creek Canyon.
Luna's stall is generously funded through Mudsock Fest.
25-year-old Percheron
Joined Children's TherAplay: April 2022
Get To Know Luna: Luna was rescued by one of our own handlers, Erin. One fun fact about her is that she LOVES Pop tarts!
Luna's Impact: Luna is a great horse for our kids who need a medium to high movement within their sessions. She is a very steady horse to get our kiddos used to this type of movement, and she is always very attentive to what our handlers ask of her.
Moe and his stall are both generously funded by Hank and Jayma Meyers
28-year-old Haflinger
Joined Children’s TherAplay: July 2011
Get to know Moe: Moe is curious about everything and loves to play the pasture!
Moe's Impact: Moe is a great next-level horse for our kiddos who are ready to add a bit more challenge to their treatment.
Nemo and his stall are both generously funded by Theresa Catterson Kraft and Kathryn Kraft.
28-year-old Halflinger
Joined Children's TherAplay: June 2022
Get to Know Nemo: Nemo absolutely loves attention and is always one to say hello to every person that walks by!
Nemo's Impact: Nemo is great for our kiddos who need a nice, easy pace during their sessions. His calm demeanour allows him to be around anyone with no problems!
Pony Boy
Pony Boy is generously funded by Barb Bixler in honor of Evelyn & Isadora Dock
Pony Boy's stall is generously funded through Mudsock Fest
11-year-old grade pony
Joined Children's TherAplay: January 2023
Get to Know Pony Boy: Pony Boy is our youngest pony. Before he came here, he was a super solid steed for a couple little kids. Before that, he was at a camp out in Montana.
Pony Boy's Impact: Pony Boy is appreciated for being our smallest horse in the herd, but still offering high movement! his wide back makes it easy for kiddos to do all sorts of positions while riding; sitting backwards, on their hands and knees, and even standing up!
Peanut & Banana 
Peanut & Banana and their stall are gereously funded by The Myers Family
Peanut is a 21-year-old Miniature Horse and Banana is a 18-year-old Miniature Horse
Joined Children's TherAplay: March 2023
Get to Know Peanut & Banana: Peanut and Banana are a bonded pair! They have been together their entire lives and have been therapy ponies for a long time.
Peanut & Banana's Impact: These miniature horses are not for riding, instead they are used for our Theraputic Animal Assisted Groundwork (TAAG) sessions. Kiddos utilize Peanut and Banana to practice grooming, feeding, leading, and other groundwork activities.
Red and his stall are both generously funded by Leslie Ackerman.
22-year-old grade pony
Joined Children’s TherAplay: February 2014
Get to know Red: Red is nothing short of adorable! He loves children and enjoyed giving rides to his family's grandchildren in his past life.
Fun Fact: Our horse handlers call Red their "little Red sports car" because of the ease with which he moves. Red provides a lot of stimulating movement for our littlest clients!
Spot is generously funded by Jana and Tim Wiley, Kathy Wiley Smith, Dillon Wiley, & the Richardson Family.
Spot's stall is generously funded by NextGear Capital
12-year-old Pony of the Americas
Joined Children’s TherAplay: May 2023
Get to know Spot: Spot has a very curious personality, and loves the scratches he recieves from the kiddos. Before he came to TherAplay, Spot was used as a mount for Pony Club. His show name is "The Spotted Wizard"!
Spot's Impact: Spot is a great size! While he is on the shorter side, he is very broad and muscular which makes it possible for him to carry our larger riders.
Willow and his stall are both generously funded by Gary Aletto
14-year-old Welsh Pony
Joined Children's TherAplay: November 2023
Willow has a low-back mid size horse with AP/Lateral movement. He is generally a low-movement horse.
Zella and her stall are both generously funded by The Phil and Sharen Myers Living Trust in honor of Ally, Livy, Luke, and Kenzy.
17-year-old Paint Horse
Joined Children's TherAplay: September 2024
Zella just came to us September 2024 and is currently on trial. She was used for trail riding before coming here. We are excited about her size, her wide base of support, and slow rhythmic movement.